signalrecord - record signal levels from a device with a CAT interface
signalrecord ... > foo.xml
signalrecord performs one simple task: records various signals from a CAT controled device for later analysis.
The output is in XML format and printed to stdout. The output looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <signals> <signal frequency="155235000"> <record level="-54" secs="1220885498" usecs="368219"/> <record level="-54" secs="1220885499" usecs="389415"/> <record level="-54" secs="1220885500" usecs="400090"/> <record level="-54" secs="1220885501" usecs="416175"/> </signal> </sinals>
If the frequency changes, usually due to the -f flag specifying a range, then multiple <signal> tags will be present and the order will be based on when changes happen.
Once the data has been recorded, you can use signalcount or sig2kml to generate bar-chart graphs or maps.
Port to use (/dev/ttyS0)
Rig model (eg 122)
serial speed (eg 38400)
Time between measurements (in second)
Record every interval, not just on signal level changes
minimum level to record
minimum sleep between frequency changes
frequency-scan the specified X-Y-STEP range
Help Options: -h Display help options -- short flags preferred --help Display help options -- long flags preferred --help-full Display all help options -- short and long --gui Display a help GUI --no-gui Do not display the default help GUI
, sig2kml(1)
Copyright 2009 Wes Hardaker. All rights reserved.
License: GPLv2
Wes Hardaker < wes ATTA ws6z DT com >