Tools for Hams

Hamtools is simply a collection of random tools that have been written for doing various things with amateur radio. The software has been developed on linux but should work on all unix-ish platforms and some of them should work on windows as well (all the ones that aren't Hamlib based).


See the Download List

The Tools

Cute CW

Cute CW provides CW training in a multiple-step process. It concentrates on getting your accuracy up first, followed by speed, common word recognition and character grouping. It also contains modes for simply "playing" with CW, including some training games.

Download (linux, windows or maemo)

Online Simplex Mapping System

Mapping the reachability from station to station is important in order to document and study which stations are able to reach which other stations. My simplex mapping website eases this task by allowing each listening to station to report what they can hear and how strong the signals are. The results can then be mapped to obtain a better understanding of message routing, etc.

2024-07 Status: currently being completely rewritten and looking for new groups to test out the new system Contact me if your group is interested in making use of the site..

Example screen shots

Online Net Logging Tool

The Ham Net Logger website allows net controls to run through a scripted ham radio net dialog, with various sections, regular and visitor checkins, etc. The results are then archived on the site to be viewable for other net members and to keep historic track of net participation, etc.

View an example log from the Sacramento Valley CERT net (screenshot to the right).


cq provides the ability to control a CAT controlled radio. It is designed to provide intelligent, prioritized frequency scanning.


signalrecord monitors a CAT controlled radio for changes in signal levels and records the results. The data can then be fed to sig2kml or signalcount for processing (or to your own tool; the output is simple XML)


sig2kml combines recorded signals and GPS track data to produce receiption quality maps either in png or kml format. This example below was created taking measurements while riding a bike.


signalcount counts signals recorded in the output from signalrecord and produces output suitable for bar graphs.


The NEC language is fairly complex to understand and use. ezrnec is designed to to simplify the modeling language.

# define a dipole

# configurable values:
define height 15ft
define freq 14.200

# calculated values:
define width ${468/@{freq}/2}ft
output Calculated width: %{width} ft

# the antenna
wire tag=left    0,0, %{height}  -@{width}, 0, %{height}    
wire tag=right    0,0, %{height}  @{width}, 0, %{height}    

# apply a voltage on the first segment of the "left" most wire
volt left 1

# sweep the simulation to the left and right of the defined frequency
freq ${%{freq} - .5} ${%{freq} + .5}

Wes Hardaker Last modified: Tue Mar 24 14:55:19 PDT 2009